Saturday, March 1, 2014

My Gluten-Free Girlie!

My friend Rachel had a birthday recently but she's gluten-free, which is no problem at all because I'm always up for the challenge! I decided to make flour-less chocolate cake for her but how do flour-less cakes work?? (drumroll for the magic of science!!)

Gluten is a protein that has a gas-retaining properties, which allows the cake to be light and airy and it also is binding--it holds the cake together. For flour-less chocolate cake, eggs hold the cake together and enhance texture. (Yay science!)

Almost Flour-less Chocolate Cake 
(Modified version of Fran Gage's, from Alpineberry)

7 ounces semisweet chocolate chips, finely chopped 
14 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into chunks 
1 cup granulated sugar, divided into 2/3 cup and 1/3 cup 
5 large eggs, room temperature, separated 
1/4 teaspoon salt 
Powdered sugar and/or cocoa powder for decorating 

1. Melt chocolate and butter in a bowl that fits over simmering water (The bowl shouldn't touch the water).
2. In a separate bowl, beat egg whites until they start to foam.
3. Add sugar to egg whites in thirds. Add salt, and egg yolks.
4. Fold in egg white mixture into chocolate mixture. 
5. Bake for 35-40 minutes in a 9-inch round pan at 350degrees until complete.

Two flavors work really well with chocolate - strawberry and orange. I decided to use strawberries for this one! 
1. Dust confectioners sugar onto cake
2. Pipe with strawberry jam (Works as a great alternative if you're missing ingredients for glaze)
3. Put half a strawberry on top :) 

Step 1: It looks a bit lumpy, but the chocolate eventually melts to consistency.

Step 2: Foamed egg whites!

Step 4: The egg-whites and chocolate mixture swirls so nicely. I just had to take a picture! 

The cake is difficult to cut. It's a bit crumbly because the lack of gluten makes it difficult to maintain the shape. Other than that the cake is a DELICIOUS rich chocolate flavor that's dense and moist! Happy baking! :) 


  1. I love strawberries! And they go SO well with chocolate! :)

    xo, Hima
    Hima Hearts

    1. Thanks for reading this post HIMAGLOBIN! You should definitely try something with chocolate and strawberries! Chocolate/Orange flavors are great too :)

  2. I am in the process of cutting gluten out of my diet - not that I am allergic to it, but because it's just not good for you. SO I am really appreicatin' this recipe!

    1. I'm glad you like it! One of my best friends is gluten free and she's always missin out on the things I bake so hopefully I'll have more gluten free recipes soon! :)
